Cooperating with OWI
Cooperating with others requires flexibility and adjustment to individual needs. Diverse forms of cooperation are viable with OWI. By jointly defining the aim and content of the collaboration, suitable forms can be found. Collaborations reach from individual orders to joint projects – with or without public funding – and from research clusters at EU level to strategic cooperation. In numerous projects, OWI holds the project coordination and organisational management and ensures a smooth and successful process. OWI does not receive any basic funding. In order to accomplish research and development activities as a non-profit limited company, projects are usually financed by industrial partners. In particular cases, an application for public funding can be filed. OWI incorporates its knowledge of suitable support programmes, application requirements, procedures of application and permit procedures into the cooperation with companies and institutions.
Contractual Relationship with a Client
The classic cooperation: a company announces a specific R&D demand, which OWI can support by its know-how and R&D infrastructure. A feasibility analysis, conceptual development, consultation as well as a coordinated and interrelated R&D activity can emerge from this. The focus always lies on a cost- and energy-saving solution for the company. Moreover, the solution is supposed to be environmentally friendly and to secure market success at the same time.
Cooperation Projects with several Partners – National and International
Sometimes comprehensive research tasks are only feasible by collaborations with companies and if necessary with further research and scientific institutes. OWI is integrated into major joint projects as a competent partner. This can not only include the execution of subtasks but also the coordination and control of the project. OWI takes the initiative to develop ideas for joint projects – including the definition of the research task and the structuring of the procedures, the identification and integration of suitable industrial and scientific partners as well as of appropriate sponsors. OWI contributes not only to national but also to international projects, for example at EU level.
Industry-specific Projects
Some issues are relevant for entire industries. In cooperation with companies, associations and institutions, OWI identifies (technical) questions that concern entire industries and often entail a considerable need for research. Examples include the market launch of regenerative liquid fuels and their impact on technical components or long-term stability. The development of thermal process plants continually raises cross-sector issues in high-temperature technology and materials science that require solutions. Companies can play a part as consultants in those projects by providing their know-how, their products and specific problem presentation. In this way, they are involved as research partners and enabled to participate in the research results.
Network Partnership
As OWI is a non-profit research institute that operates on the basis of project funding, there are only limited possibilities to conduct or support free fundamental research. One of these options is the work within networks that split the research tasks of one topic among each other. Due to an open dialogue and exchange, all members of the network profit from the research findings. OWI participates in national and international networks that apply themselves to specific research tasks in the areas of high-temperature technology or fuel cell technology. OWI is interested in new partnerships in research networks at any time.
Contact person for company and project enquiries
The heads of the competence teams are available for enquiries, information and advisory discussions. In case of doubt, please contact our switchboard, which will be happy to connect you.
phone: 02407/ 9518-100
Dr. Wilfried Plum
phone: 02407/ 9518-100
Fuels and Lubricants
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Feldhoff
phone: +49 (0)2407/ 9518-117
Heat- and High-Temperature Technology
Dr.-Ing. Siri Harboe-Minwegen
Tel.: 02407/ 9518-167
Fuel Cell Systems and Reforming
MSc. Tobias Schiekel
phone: 02407/ 9518-124
Energy System Technology
MSc. Benedikt Bender
phone: 02407/ 9518-172
Materials Research
Dr.-Ing. Siri Harboe-Minwegen
Tel.: 02407/ 9518-167
Dipl.-Ing. Dagmar Kuckelberg
Tel.: 02407/ 9518-174
Modelling and Numerical Simulation
MSc. Yohan John
Tel.: 02407/9518-128
Measurement, control, regulation
phone: 02407/ 9518-100
Construction and test bench engineering
phone: 02407/ 9518-100