OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH
24 April 2020 – OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut has changed its name and is now called OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH. With this change of name, the research institute wants to consistently emphasize that its focus has long been on technically mature, low-emission and low-greenhouse gas solutions for the mobility and heat generation of tomorrow. The aim of research and development at OWI Science for Fuels is to make liquid fuels and combustibles based on conventional and renewable energies particularly efficient and safe to use. In order to advance these research activities, OWI Science for Fuels is actively involved in large research clusters. OWI Science for Fuels remains an affiliated institute of RWTH Aachen University.
OWI Science for Fuels focuses on two central research fields: sustainable liquid energy sources and efficiency technologies. Photo: OWI
The research institute focuses on two central research fields: sustainable liquid energy carriers and efficiency technologies. “For example, we are investigating the use of fuels from waste and residual materials of biogenic origin,” explains OWI’s Managing Director Wilfried Plum. “In addition, so-called E-Fuels or Synfuels, which are produced synthetically from regeneratively generated electricity and a renewable carbon source, are just as highly pertinent research topics for us as the use of hydrogen or the use of hydrocarbons for the cooling, lubrication or heating of electric vehicles,” adds Joint Managing Director Elmar Pohl. In order to focus on the growing need for research and development in connection with sustainable liquid energy sources, OWI has already formed the “Future Fuels” research cluster in 2016. This cluster comprises of projects relating to research into new fuels and the development of efficiency technologies for their use.
Through its research, OWI Science for Fuels makes new fuels available for current and future technologies and thus ensures that the advantages of liquid energy sources will continue to be exploited in the future. This also includes the targeted further development of reforming know-how for converting liquid energy carriers into hydrogen for use in fuel cells. With its research, the OWI accompanies “Future Fuels” and application technologies up to technical maturity, thus creating a basis for their marketability.